Fall – Oct 2016

Each year as I see the nature competing itself and painting the leaves and the sky pink, purple and red I realise that
  • Things are never really permanent in life
  • As one appear another one disappears
  • There is a joy in change even though one might not realise it or accept it
  • Two things don’t  react the same way.
  • One needs to let go to see the beauty behind it.

This year as friend requested to post some images of fall colours and tag her, I decided its time I spend a day or half if not just a few hours with my camera and capture this beauty that I keep admiring and why not since I now have new 50mm that I can explore with.

So I took my dear son on a fun project not too far away from home and this was the result and yeah thanks Viju for the gift this certainly brings so much Joy.

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